AND GET $6001
Start getting paid back for all the little necessities that keep your business a step ahead. Get up to $600 when you open a new BusinessAdvantageSM Checking account and enroll in Business Bill Payment.1
See what BusinessAdvantageSM Checking
can do for your business!
  • No minimum balance requirement for the first 24 months2
  • FREE IntroPack check order2
  • 1,000 free transactions per month3
  • Unlimited .25% cash back on Provident Business Debit Mastercard purchases4
  • FREE ProvidentConnect for Business Online Banking with Bill Payment5
  • FREE Mobile Banking for Business6
Find your local branch and get up to $600 today!
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1. Qualification requirements to receive up to $600 checking bonus: (1) receive $400 checking bonus when you open a new Provident BusinessAdvantage Checking account; deposit $50 or more at account opening; and maintain an ‘average balance for the period’ of $25,000 of new money (funds not already on deposit at Provident Bank) for each of the first 2 full statement periods following the account opening date; (2) receive $200 checking bonus when you enroll in Business Bill Payment through ProvidentConnect for Business Online Banking within the first 2 full statements periods following the account opening date; and maintain an ‘average balance for the period’ of $25,000 of new money (funds not already on deposit at Provident Bank) for each of the first 2 full statement periods following the account opening date. After you have completed the requirements, including satisfactory management of your account, we’ll deposit the checking bonus(es) in your new account within 90 days of the last day of the promotion (last day of the promotion is May 31, 2023). Limited to one account and cash bonus offer per business tax ID. Offer subject to change or cancellation at any time without notice. The value of the checking bonus for qualifying account holders may constitute taxable income to you. To facilitate tax reporting, Provident Bank will issue the required IRS Form 1099-INT to you that reflects the value of the bonus as of December 31, 2023. Please consult your tax advisor, as neither Provident Bank, its affiliates, nor their employees provide tax advice. Employees of Provident Bank and its subsidiaries, members of their families and suppliers of Provident Bank are not eligible to participate.

2. To receive two (2) years waived on the minimum balance requirement and FREE IntroPack check order: open a new Provident BusinessAdvantage Checking account and deposit $50 or more at account opening. The IntroPack check order charge will be waived by Provident Bank for the first order of checks placed through the Bank’s check printer—value up to $106. The $2,500 Minimum Average Balance requirement and the associated Minimum Balance Penalty Fee of $10 will be waived for the first twenty-four (24) statement periods on a new BusinessAdvantage Checking account— value up to $240. Provident Bank reserves the right to limit the amount and/or number of accounts eligible for this offer. The value of the two (2) year waiver on the minimum balance requirement and the business checks for qualifying account holders may constitute taxable income to you. To facilitate tax reporting, Provident Bank may issue the required IRS Form 1099-INT to you that reflects the value of the offer as of December 31, 2023. Please consult your tax advisor, as neither Provident Bank, its affiliates, nor their employees provide tax advice. Employees of Provident Bank and its subsidiaries, members of their families and suppliers of Provident Bank are not eligible to participate.

3. BusinessAdvantage Checking account includes 1,000 free transactions per statement period, with 12 statement periods per year. Free transactions include checks paid, deposited items, debits, and credits. Fees will apply if the transaction limit is exceeded.

4. Cash Back rewards credited to your account will equal the total amount of eligible signature-based point-of-sale transactions posted to and cleared through your Provident BusinessAdvantage Checking account each statement period multiplied by a factor of 0.25% (.0025). This Cash Back rewards factor is variable and may change at our discretion. To be eligible, qualifying point-of-sale signature-based transactions must be posted to and cleared through your Provident BusinessAdvantage Checking account as of the last business day of the statement period. Cash Back rewards will be redeemed, deposited and available on the first business day of the following statement period.

5. Does not include Cash Management accounts and services.

6. This service is provided at no charge. User’s mobile service provider may charge for sending or receiving text messages and images on your Smartphone or other access device. These charges are solely the user’s responsibility. It is the user’s responsibility to check with their mobile service provider for details on specific fees and charges that may apply.